Sunday, September 15, 2019

Presentations and Thanks

Thanks to Bob Wolensky and Bode Morin for their recent program “Episodes in Anthracite Labor History,” held at Scranton’s Anthracite Heritage Museum, and for including my discussion of the “Molly Maguires” in that program.

A belated thanks to the American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS) for including my presentation in programs for their national meetings at University College Cork in 2018 and Boston in 2019.

My upcoming presentations include the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association, hosted by Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  On October 19, 2019, I will present the paper “Pennsylvania’s ‘Molly Maguires’: Fact vs. Fiction.”

At Scranton, thanks to Bob for his reference to Adam Smith’s admonition on the perils of monopoly. Thanks to Lucia Dailey, prior to the Scranton program, for recounting to me the details of the commemoration of the anniversary of the Avondale Mine Disaster, where more than one hundred mine workers perished from asphyxiation. Lucia’s recollection included this quote from an attendant at the event: “They knew how to live, and they knew how to die.”

Anne Flaherty